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C51 COMPILER V7.07 EUDRBLOOPBACK 10/01/2006 14:39:00 PAGE 1 C51 COMPILER V7.07, COMPILATION OF MODULE EUDRBLOOPBACK OBJECT MODULE PLACED IN EUDRBLoopBack.OBJ COMPILER INVOKED BY: C:\Keil\C51\BIN\C51.EXE EUDRBLoopBack.c DEBUG OBJECTEXTEND stmt level source 1 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 // File: EUDRBSpecific.c 3 // Contents: Hooks required to implement USB peripheral function. 4 5 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 // Copyright 2003, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation 7 // EUDRB Customization: INFN Ferrara - Servizio Elettronico - Angelo Cotta Ramusino - last mod: 22/08/2006 8 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 #pragma NOIV // Do not generate interrupt vectors 10 11 #include "fx2.h" 12 #include "fx2regs.h" 13 #include "syncdly.h" // SYNCDELAY macro 14 15 extern BOOL GotSUD; // Received setup data flag 16 extern BOOL Sleep; 17 extern BOOL Rwuen; 18 extern BOOL Selfpwr; 19 20 BYTE Configuration; // Current configuration 21 BYTE AlternateSetting; // Alternate settings 22 23 #define VR_NAKALL_ON 0xD0 24 #define VR_NAKALL_OFF 0xD1 25 26 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 // Task Dispatcher hooks 28 // The following hooks are called by the task dispatcher. 29 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 31 void TD_Init(void) // Called once at startup 32 { 33 1 int delaycount = 500; // risulta in una durata del segnale di reset di circa 412us verificati con sco -pe 34 1 35 1 // set the CPU clock to 48MHz 36 1 CPUCS = ((CPUCS & ~bmCLKSPD) | bmCLKSPD1) ; 37 1 38 1 // set the slave FIFO interface to 48MHz 39 1 IFCONFIG = 0xCB; // usa IFCLK interno 48MHz 40 1 // usa slave FIFO asynchronous interface 41 1 // 22/08/2006 ACR note: OK renumerates and lets the loopback work 42 1 // Registers which require a synchronization delay, see section 15.14 43 1 // FIFORESET FIFOPINPOLAR 44 1 // INPKTEND OUTPKTEND 45 1 // EPxBCH:L REVCTL 46 1 // GPIFTCB3 GPIFTCB2 47 1 // GPIFTCB1 GPIFTCB0 48 1 // EPxFIFOPFH:L EPxAUTOINLENH:L 49 1 // EPxFIFOCFG EPxGPIFFLGSEL 50 1 // PINFLAGSxx EPxFIFOIRQ 51 1 // EPxFIFOIE GPIFIRQ 52 1 // GPIFIE GPIFADRH:L 53 1 // UDMACRCH:L EPxGPIFTRIG 54 1 // GPIFTRIG C51 COMPILER V7.07 EUDRBLOOPBACK 10/01/2006 14:39:00 PAGE 2 55 1 56 1 // Note: The pre-REVE EPxGPIFTCH/L register are affected, as well... 57 1 // ...these have been replaced by GPIFTC[B3:B0] registers 58 1 59 1 // default: all endpoints have their VALID bit set 60 1 // default: TYPE1 = 1 and TYPE0 = 0 --> BULK 61 1 // default: EP2 and EP4 DIR bits are 0 (OUT direction) 62 1 // default: EP6 and EP8 DIR bits are 1 (IN direction) 63 1 // default: EP2, EP4, EP6, and EP8 are double buffered 64 1 65 1 /* 66 1 // 22/08/2006 ACR note: BEGIN this code stops the loopback. Do we need it? 67 1 REVCTL = 0x03; // REVCTL.0 and REVCTL.1 set to 1: 68 1 // REVCTL.1 ( DYN_OUT ) : 1 = disable autoarming on 0 to 1 transition of AUTOOUT 69 1 // REVCTL.0 ( ENH_PKT ) : 1 = enable enhanched packet endling 70 1 SYNCDELAY; 71 1 // 22/08/2006 ACR note: END this code stops the loopback. Do we need it? 72 1 */ 73 1 74 1 // we are just using the default values, yes this is not necessary... 75 1 EP1OUTCFG = 0xA0; 76 1 EP1INCFG = 0xA0; 77 1 SYNCDELAY; // see TRM section 15.14 78 1 79 1 // 22/08/2006 ACR mod: make endpoint 2 an IN EndPoint 80 1 EP2CFG = 0xE2; // 22/08/2006 ACR mod: EP2 valid for IN packets, buffer size of 512 bytes, ONLY 2x bu -ffered option available for endpoint4 81 1 SYNCDELAY; 82 1 83 1 // 22/08/2006 ACR mod: make endpoint 6 an OUT EndPoint 84 1 EP6CFG = 0xA2; // 22/08/2006 ACR mod: EP6 valid for OUT packets, buffer size of 512 bytes, ONLY 2x b -uffered option available for endpoint4 85 1 SYNCDELAY; 86 1 87 1 // 21/08/2006 ACR mod: make endpoint 4 an IN EndPoint 88 1 // EP4CFG = 0xA2; // EP4 valido per OUT packets, for 512 byte packets, ONLY 2x buffered option availa -ble for endpoint4 89 1 // SYNCDELAY; 90 1 EP4CFG = 0xE2; // 21/08/2006 ACR mod: EP4 valid for IN packets, buffer size of 512 bytes, ONLY 2x bu -ffered option available for endpoint4 91 1 SYNCDELAY; 92 1 93 1 // 21/08/2006 ACR mod: make endpoint 8 an OUT EndPoint 94 1 // EP8CFG = 0xE2; // EP8 valido per IN packets, for 512 byte packets, ONLY 2x buffered option availa -ble for endpoint8 95 1 // SYNCDELAY; 96 1 EP8CFG = 0xA2; // 21/08/2006 ACR mod: EP8 valido per OUT packets, buffer size of 512 bytes, ONLY 2x -buffered option available for endpoint8 97 1 SYNCDELAY; 98 1 99 1 // 22/08/2006 ACR Begin: reset all FIFOs 100 1 FIFORESET = 0x80; // NAK per tutti i pacchetti 101 1 SYNCDELAY; 102 1 FIFORESET = 0x02; // resetta FIFO per endpoint2 103 1 SYNCDELAY; 104 1 FIFORESET = 0x04; // resetta FIFO per endpoint4 105 1 SYNCDELAY; 106 1 FIFORESET = 0x06; // resetta FIFO per endpoint6 107 1 SYNCDELAY; 108 1 FIFORESET = 0x08; // resetta FIFO per endpoint8 109 1 SYNCDELAY; 110 1 FIFORESET = 0x00; // fine del NAK-ing a tutti i pacchetti C51 COMPILER V7.07 EUDRBLOOPBACK 10/01/2006 14:39:00 PAGE 3 111 1 SYNCDELAY; 112 1 // 22/08/2006 ACR End: reset all FIFOs 113 1 114 1 115 1 // 22/08/2006 ACR mod BEGIN: this section belonged (except with different OUT endpoints) to the bulkloop e -xample. Let's keep it for now 116 1 // out endpoints do not come up armed 117 1 // since the defaults are double buffered we must write dummy byte counts twice 118 1 EP6BCL = 0x80; // arm EP6OUT by writing byte count w/skip. 119 1 SYNCDELAY; 120 1 EP6BCL = 0x80; 121 1 SYNCDELAY; 122 1 EP8BCL = 0x80; // arm EP8OUT by writing byte count w/skip. 123 1 SYNCDELAY; 124 1 EP8BCL = 0x80; 125 1 SYNCDELAY; 126 1 // 22/08/2006 ACR mod END: this section belonged (except with different OUT endpoints) to the bulkloop exa -mple. Let's keep it for now 127 1 128 1 /* 129 1 // 22/08/2006 ACR mod BEGIN: rimuovo questo pezzo di codice che avevo scritto in passato perche' mi sembra - che la stessa funzione sia ora eseguita dal pezzo di codice precedente 130 1 // Inizializza la pipe dei dati in arrivo sull'endpoint 4 (OUT endpoint), con lo skip dei pacchetti eventu -almente contenuti nei due buffer dell'endpoint 131 1 OUTPKTEND = 0x84; // Arm both EP2 buffers to “prime the pump” 132 1 SYNCDELAY; 133 1 OUTPKTEND = 0x84; 134 1 SYNCDELAY; 135 1 */ 136 1 137 1 /* 01/10/06 ACR BEGIN tolgo questo codice per vedere se funziona il loopback 138 1 // 22/08/2006 ACR mod BEGIN: configure endpoint FIFOs (see page 351 of TRM) 139 1 EP2FIFOCFG = 0x09; // modalita' AUTOIN e bus dati a 16 bit 140 1 SYNCDELAY; 141 1 EP4FIFOCFG = 0x09; // modalita' AUTOIN e bus dati a 16 bit 142 1 SYNCDELAY; 143 1 EP6FIFOCFG = 0x11; // modalita' AUTOOUT e bus dati a 16 bit 144 1 SYNCDELAY; 145 1 EP8FIFOCFG = 0x11; // modalita' AUTOOUT e bus dati a 16 bit 146 1 SYNCDELAY; 147 1 148 1 // EZ-USB automatically commits data in 512-byte chunks ; questa configurazione coincide con quella di def -ault 149 1 EP2AUTOINLENH = 0x02; 150 1 SYNCDELAY; 151 1 EP2AUTOINLENL = 0x00; 152 1 SYNCDELAY; 153 1 EP4AUTOINLENH = 0x02; 154 1 SYNCDELAY; 155 1 EP4AUTOINLENL = 0x00; 156 1 SYNCDELAY; 157 1 // 22/08/2006 ACR mod END : configure endpoint FIFOs 158 1 01/10/06 ACR END tolgo questo codice per vedere se funziona il loopback */ 159 1 160 1 // 22/08/2006 ACR mod BEGIN: change the polarity of the WAKEUP pin 161 1 WAKEUPCS |= 0x10; 162 1 // 22/08/2006 ACR mod END : configure endpoint FIFOs 163 1 164 1 /* 165 1 // 22/08/2006 ACR mod BEGIN removed for EUDRB application 166 1 // removing this code from the bulkloop example does not prevent loop back from working 167 1 // enable dual autopointer feature C51 COMPILER V7.07 EUDRBLOOPBACK 10/01/2006 14:39:00 PAGE 4 168 1 AUTOPTRSETUP |= 0x01; 169 1 // 22/08/2006 ACR mod END removed for EUDRB application 170 1 */ 171 1 172 1 // 22/08/2006 ACR mod: BEGIN adjust the flags meanings 173 1 PINFLAGSAB = 0xDB; // FLAGA = EMPTY FLAG of EP8 FIFO 174 1 // FLAGB = FULL FLAG of EP4 FIFO 175 1 SYNCDELAY; 176 1 PINFLAGSCD = 0xE8; // FLAGC = EMPTY FLAG of EP2 FIFO - 22/08/2006 ACR mod: added this endpoint fl -ag 177 1 // FLAGD = FULL FLAG of EP6 FIFO - 22/08/2006 ACR mod: added this endpoint flag NB! change the - definition of this pin in the FPGA 178 1 SYNCDELAY; 179 1 // 22/08/2006 ACR mod: END adjust the flags meanings 180 1 181 1 182 1 // set all slave FIFO interface pins as active low 183 1 FIFOPINPOLAR = 0x00; 184 1 SYNCDELAY; 185 1 186 1 // prepara portA per generare segnale di reset (PA.0) per FPGA e segnale diagnostico (PA.1 = pacchetto ric -evuto) 187 1 PORTACFG = 0x80; // 21/08/2006 ACR mod: set bit 7 so that Port A pin 7 alternate function is FLAGD (s -ee page 283 of the EZ-USB TRM document) 188 1 SYNCDELAY; 189 1 190 1 // reset the FPGA con un reset attivo basso 191 1 OEA |= 0x01; // turn on PA0 as output pin 192 1 IOA |= 0x01; // pull PA0 high initially 193 1 IOA &= 0xFE; // bring PA0 low 194 1 195 1 while ( delaycount > 0 ) 196 1 { 197 2 delaycount --; 198 2 }; 199 1 IOA |= 0x01; // bring PA0 high 200 1 } 201 202 203 void TD_Poll(void) // Called repeatedly while the device is idle 204 { 205 1 206 1 // 22/08/2006 ACR removed this code, which works as loop back, because it is not needed by the EUDRB appli -cation 207 1 // 22/08/2006 ACR mod: Test BulkLoop with EP2,EP4 of type IN and EP6,EP8 of type OUT BEGIN 208 1 WORD i; 209 1 WORD count; 210 1 211 1 if(!(EP2468STAT & bmEP8EMPTY)) 212 1 { // check EP8 EMPTY(busy) bit in EP2468STAT (SFR), core set's this bit when FIFO is empty 213 2 if(!(EP2468STAT & bmEP4FULL)) 214 2 { // check EP4 FULL(busy) bit in EP2468STAT (SFR), core set's this bit when FIFO is full 215 3 APTR1H = MSB( &EP8FIFOBUF ); 216 3 APTR1L = LSB( &EP8FIFOBUF ); 217 3 218 3 AUTOPTRH2 = MSB( &EP4FIFOBUF ); 219 3 AUTOPTRL2 = LSB( &EP4FIFOBUF ); 220 3 221 3 count = (EP8BCH << 8) + EP8BCL; 222 3 223 3 // loop EP8OUT buffer data to EP4IN 224 3 for( i = 0x0000; i < count; i++ ) C51 COMPILER V7.07 EUDRBLOOPBACK 10/01/2006 14:39:00 PAGE 5 225 3 { 226 4 // setup to transfer EP8OUT buffer to EP4IN buffer using AUTOPOINTER(s) 227 4 EXTAUTODAT2 = EXTAUTODAT1; 228 4 } 229 3 EP4BCH = EP8BCH; 230 3 SYNCDELAY; 231 3 EP4BCL = EP8BCL; // arm EP4IN 232 3 SYNCDELAY; 233 3 EP8BCL = 0x80; // re(arm) EP8OUT 234 3 } 235 2 } 236 1 237 1 if(!(EP2468STAT & bmEP6EMPTY)) 238 1 { // check EP6 EMPTY(busy) bit in EP2468STAT (SFR), core set's this bit when FIFO is empty 239 2 if(!(EP2468STAT & bmEP2FULL)) 240 2 { // check EP2 FULL(busy) bit in EP2468STAT (SFR), core set's this bit when FIFO is full 241 3 APTR1H = MSB( &EP6FIFOBUF ); 242 3 APTR1L = LSB( &EP6FIFOBUF ); 243 3 244 3 AUTOPTRH2 = MSB( &EP2FIFOBUF ); 245 3 AUTOPTRL2 = LSB( &EP2FIFOBUF ); 246 3 247 3 count = (EP6BCH << 8) + EP6BCL; 248 3 249 3 // loop EP6OUT buffer data to EP2IN 250 3 for( i = 0x0000; i < count; i++ ) 251 3 { 252 4 // setup to transfer EP6OUT buffer to EP2IN buffer using AUTOPOINTER(s) 253 4 EXTAUTODAT2 = EXTAUTODAT1; 254 4 } 255 3 EP2BCH = EP6BCH; 256 3 SYNCDELAY; 257 3 EP2BCL = EP6BCL; // arm EP2IN 258 3 SYNCDELAY; 259 3 EP6BCL = 0x80; // re(arm) EP6OUT 260 3 } 261 2 } 262 1 // 22/08/2006 ACR mod: Test BulkLoop with EP2,EP4 of type IN and EP2,EP4 of type OUT BEGIN 263 1 264 1 } 265 266 BOOL TD_Suspend(void) // Called before the device goes into suspend mode 267 { 268 1 return(TRUE); 269 1 } 270 271 BOOL TD_Resume(void) // Called after the device resumes 272 { 273 1 return(TRUE); 274 1 } 275 276 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 277 // Device Request hooks 278 // The following hooks are called by the end point 0 device request parser. 279 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 280 281 BOOL DR_GetDescriptor(void) 282 { 283 1 return(TRUE); 284 1 } 285 286 BOOL DR_SetConfiguration(void) // Called when a Set Configuration command is received C51 COMPILER V7.07 EUDRBLOOPBACK 10/01/2006 14:39:00 PAGE 6 287 { 288 1 Configuration = SETUPDAT[2]; 289 1 return(TRUE); // Handled by user code 290 1 } 291 292 BOOL DR_GetConfiguration(void) // Called when a Get Configuration command is received 293 { 294 1 EP0BUF[0] = Configuration; 295 1 EP0BCH = 0; 296 1 EP0BCL = 1; 297 1 return(TRUE); // Handled by user code 298 1 } 299 300 BOOL DR_SetInterface(void) // Called when a Set Interface command is received 301 { 302 1 AlternateSetting = SETUPDAT[2]; 303 1 return(TRUE); // Handled by user code 304 1 } 305 306 BOOL DR_GetInterface(void) // Called when a Set Interface command is received 307 { 308 1 EP0BUF[0] = AlternateSetting; 309 1 EP0BCH = 0; 310 1 EP0BCL = 1; 311 1 return(TRUE); // Handled by user code 312 1 } 313 314 BOOL DR_GetStatus(void) 315 { 316 1 return(TRUE); 317 1 } 318 319 BOOL DR_ClearFeature(void) 320 { 321 1 return(TRUE); 322 1 } 323 324 BOOL DR_SetFeature(void) 325 { 326 1 return(TRUE); 327 1 } 328 329 BOOL DR_VendorCmnd(void) 330 { 331 1 BYTE tmp; 332 1 333 1 switch (SETUPDAT[1]) 334 1 { 335 2 case VR_NAKALL_ON: 336 2 tmp = FIFORESET; 337 2 tmp |= bmNAKALL; 338 2 SYNCDELAY; 339 2 FIFORESET = tmp; 340 2 break; 341 2 case VR_NAKALL_OFF: 342 2 tmp = FIFORESET; 343 2 tmp &= ~bmNAKALL; 344 2 SYNCDELAY; 345 2 FIFORESET = tmp; 346 2 break; 347 2 default: 348 2 return(TRUE); C51 COMPILER V7.07 EUDRBLOOPBACK 10/01/2006 14:39:00 PAGE 7 349 2 } 350 1 351 1 return(FALSE); 352 1 } 353 354 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 355 // USB Interrupt Handlers 356 // The following functions are called by the USB interrupt jump table. 357 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 358 359 // Setup Data Available Interrupt Handler 360 void ISR_Sudav(void) interrupt 0 361 { 362 1 GotSUD = TRUE; // Set flag 363 1 EZUSB_IRQ_CLEAR(); 364 1 USBIRQ = bmSUDAV; // Clear SUDAV IRQ 365 1 } 366 367 // Setup Token Interrupt Handler 368 void ISR_Sutok(void) interrupt 0 369 { 370 1 EZUSB_IRQ_CLEAR(); 371 1 USBIRQ = bmSUTOK; // Clear SUTOK IRQ 372 1 } 373 374 void ISR_Sof(void) interrupt 0 375 { 376 1 EZUSB_IRQ_CLEAR(); 377 1 USBIRQ = bmSOF; // Clear SOF IRQ 378 1 } 379 380 void ISR_Ures(void) interrupt 0 381 { 382 1 // whenever we get a USB reset, we should revert to full speed mode 383 1 pConfigDscr = pFullSpeedConfigDscr; 384 1 ((CONFIGDSCR xdata *) pConfigDscr)->type = CONFIG_DSCR; 385 1 pOtherConfigDscr = pHighSpeedConfigDscr; 386 1 ((CONFIGDSCR xdata *) pOtherConfigDscr)->type = OTHERSPEED_DSCR; 387 1 388 1 EZUSB_IRQ_CLEAR(); 389 1 USBIRQ = bmURES; // Clear URES IRQ 390 1 } 391 392 void ISR_Susp(void) interrupt 0 393 { 394 1 Sleep = TRUE; 395 1 EZUSB_IRQ_CLEAR(); 396 1 USBIRQ = bmSUSP; 397 1 } 398 399 void ISR_Highspeed(void) interrupt 0 400 { 401 1 if (EZUSB_HIGHSPEED()) 402 1 { 403 2 pConfigDscr = pHighSpeedConfigDscr; 404 2 ((CONFIGDSCR xdata *) pConfigDscr)->type = CONFIG_DSCR; 405 2 pOtherConfigDscr = pFullSpeedConfigDscr; 406 2 ((CONFIGDSCR xdata *) pOtherConfigDscr)->type = OTHERSPEED_DSCR; 407 2 } 408 1 409 1 EZUSB_IRQ_CLEAR(); 410 1 USBIRQ = bmHSGRANT; C51 COMPILER V7.07 EUDRBLOOPBACK 10/01/2006 14:39:00 PAGE 8 411 1 } 412 void ISR_Ep0ack(void) interrupt 0 413 { 414 1 } 415 void ISR_Stub(void) interrupt 0 416 { 417 1 } 418 void ISR_Ep0in(void) interrupt 0 419 { 420 1 } 421 void ISR_Ep0out(void) interrupt 0 422 { 423 1 } 424 void ISR_Ep1in(void) interrupt 0 425 { 426 1 } 427 void ISR_Ep1out(void) interrupt 0 428 { 429 1 } 430 void ISR_Ep2inout(void) interrupt 0 431 { 432 1 } 433 void ISR_Ep4inout(void) interrupt 0 434 { 435 1 } 436 void ISR_Ep6inout(void) interrupt 0 437 { 438 1 } 439 void ISR_Ep8inout(void) interrupt 0 440 { 441 1 } 442 void ISR_Ibn(void) interrupt 0 443 { 444 1 } 445 void ISR_Ep0pingnak(void) interrupt 0 446 { 447 1 } 448 void ISR_Ep1pingnak(void) interrupt 0 449 { 450 1 } 451 void ISR_Ep2pingnak(void) interrupt 0 452 { 453 1 } 454 void ISR_Ep4pingnak(void) interrupt 0 455 { 456 1 } 457 void ISR_Ep6pingnak(void) interrupt 0 458 { 459 1 } 460 void ISR_Ep8pingnak(void) interrupt 0 461 { 462 1 } 463 void ISR_Errorlimit(void) interrupt 0 464 { 465 1 } 466 void ISR_Ep2piderror(void) interrupt 0 467 { 468 1 } 469 void ISR_Ep4piderror(void) interrupt 0 470 { 471 1 } 472 void ISR_Ep6piderror(void) interrupt 0 C51 COMPILER V7.07 EUDRBLOOPBACK 10/01/2006 14:39:00 PAGE 9 473 { 474 1 } 475 void ISR_Ep8piderror(void) interrupt 0 476 { 477 1 } 478 void ISR_Ep2pflag(void) interrupt 0 479 { 480 1 } 481 void ISR_Ep4pflag(void) interrupt 0 482 { 483 1 } 484 void ISR_Ep6pflag(void) interrupt 0 485 { 486 1 } 487 void ISR_Ep8pflag(void) interrupt 0 488 { 489 1 } 490 void ISR_Ep2eflag(void) interrupt 0 491 { 492 1 } 493 void ISR_Ep4eflag(void) interrupt 0 494 { 495 1 } 496 void ISR_Ep6eflag(void) interrupt 0 497 { 498 1 } 499 void ISR_Ep8eflag(void) interrupt 0 500 { 501 1 } 502 void ISR_Ep2fflag(void) interrupt 0 503 { 504 1 } 505 void ISR_Ep4fflag(void) interrupt 0 506 { 507 1 } 508 void ISR_Ep6fflag(void) interrupt 0 509 { 510 1 } 511 void ISR_Ep8fflag(void) interrupt 0 512 { 513 1 } 514 void ISR_GpifComplete(void) interrupt 0 515 { 516 1 } 517 void ISR_GpifWaveform(void) interrupt 0 518 { 519 1 } 520 MODULE INFORMATION: STATIC OVERLAYABLE CODE SIZE = 756 ---- CONSTANT SIZE = ---- ---- XDATA SIZE = ---- ---- PDATA SIZE = ---- ---- DATA SIZE = 2 4 IDATA SIZE = ---- ---- BIT SIZE = ---- ---- END OF MODULE INFORMATION. C51 COMPILATION COMPLETE. 0 WARNING(S), 0 ERROR(S)


2008-11-17 10:45:50
2008-11-17 09:54:37
2008-11-17 09:49:28